Currency in Sri Lanka is called Rupee.
The currency code for Rupees is LKR, and the currency symbol is ₨.
For latest exchange rate always check online or local exchange office.
March 2020
1 Euro (EUR) is approx 200 - 210 Sri Lankan Rupee
1 US Dollar (USD) is approx 180 - 200 Sri Lankan Rupee
1 Danish Krone (DDK) is approx 25 - 30 Sri Lankan Rupee
You can exchange at the airport or most larger cities.
At present time there is no bigger difference in EUR / USD / DDK.
Please note that most ATM charges exchange rate and some airport exchange offices charges 200-400 rps
The Sri Lankan Rupee (LKR / Rs) is a floating currency, which means the exchange rate is determined by market forces, so samples above should be checked.
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Here is a small travel dictionary (may be missspelled - review in progress) with some usefull words.
Sinhalese pharases ( Sinhala wordbook ) - Some words are linked to googletranslate
Some words may be wrong - try to translate this page from english to danish or english to German or English to Arabic
English | Danish | German/Germany | Sinhala (Not Tamil) | Meaning / Usage / pronunciation | |
Help | Hjælp | Hilfe | udavva | SOS | |
Little or younger brother | Lille bror | Klein ..... | Malli |
If you want to call the "younger" driver, waiter (if male). This is more polite than using waiter or driver etc... |
Crocodile | Krokodille | Krokodil | Kimbulu | Crocodiles (Kimbula if one) | |
I want to se | Jeg vil gerne se | Mate balane ona ... | I would like to see... | ||
Father/Daddy Dad |
Far Fader / Far |
Fasser (Vasser) papa |
tāttā appā (Tamil ?) |
Watch it taṭṭa means bald :-) |
one, two, tree | 1, 2 , 3 | Ein, twei, drei.. | Ekkar, dekkar, tuna, hatera, baha, haje, hate, ate, nameja, dahaj. |
If numbers are combined it usually ends or replaces last letter with an i. Icecreame ekkai (one icecreame) Beer dekkai (two beer.) |
money | Penge | Geld | salli |
Salli nee (No money) currency in Sri Lankan is called rupee (LKR) |
younger sister | Lillesøster | Swester.. | naṃgī (nanghi) | ||
Umbrella | Paraply | kuḍē | |||
young coconut | Ung kokosnød | kurumbā | |||
Elder brother | Storebror/Storebroder | ayyā | (Sir or farther) also used if you want to call an older driver , waiter or person older than you. | ||
Elder sister | Storesøster | akkā | (A'ga) | ||
Leopard | Leopard | Leppard | Divia | ||
Thank you | Tak | Danke | Sthuthi |
( Sounds a bit like is-tuthi / eshtuti) Neh Sthuti (No thank you) |
Lets go | Lad os gå | Appi yannawa (lets go) | |||
Hi/Hallo/Hi there | Hej / Dav | Goho maden | Goho maden | ||
Goodmorning | Godmorgen | Gutten morgen | Super odasunak | ||
Good... | God... | Gut.. | Super.... | Super.. (good) | |
Cheers | Skål | Prost (Beifall) | Sara'dewa |
Latin : plausibus |
Where is it? | Hvor er det? | wo ist es | Eka koheda thiyenne? | ||
What did you say? | Hvad sagde du? | Mokakda oya kiwwe? | |||
You can sit down | Du kan sidde ned | Setzen sie here | yata waadi wenna puluwan. | ||
I love you | Jeg elsker dig | Ich liebe dich | Mama oyata aadarei. | Mama (if girl) | |
I Would Like That | Jeg vil gerne have den | Mama ekata kamathi. | |||
Nice to see you | Rart at se dig | Obawa dakinna labeema sathutak. | |||
How are you? | Hvordan har du det | Vie gets | Oyata kohomada? | ||
Sorry | Undskyld |
Es tut mir Leid Entschuldigung |
Samawenna | ||
Im fine | Jeg har det godt | Allez gut | Mama hondin / Mama etharam hondin nemei inne | ||
be careful | Vær forsigtig | achten | pa-res-sə-men | ||
be quiet | Vær stille | ruhig sein | kë ga-han-də e-pā | ||
can I help you | Kan jeg hjælpe dig | kann ich Ihnen helfen (hilfe) | ëy | ||
certainly | Bestemt | sicher | nët-tan | ||
don't | nicht | e-pā | |||
don't worry | Bare rolig | ka-rə-də-rə ven-de-pā e-kə-tə ka-mak ne | Take it easy! | ||
don't you know | Hved du det ikke | dan-ned-də | |||
get out | Stig ud | aussteigen | pa-lə-yan | ||
God knows | Gud ved | Gott weiß, | dey-yo da-ni | ||
here you are | Værs'go | men-nə/men | |||
it doesn't matter | Det gør ikke noget | e-kə-ta ka-mak ne | |||
is that so | Er det rigtigt | et-tə-də / he-bedə | |||
I think so | Det tror jeg | Ich denke, so | man hi-tan-ne | ||
I agree | Jeg er enig | e-kə et-tə | |||
I can't | Jeg kan ikke | Ich kann nicht | ma-tə be | ||
I did'nt hear you | Jeg hørte dig ikke/Jeg hørte ikke hvad du sagde | ma-tə e-hu-ne në | |||
what did you say | Hvad sagde du | mo-kad-də ki-ve | |||
I don't know | Jeg ved det ikke | Ich weiß nicht | man dan-në | ||
just a minute | Et øjeblik | nur eine Minute / Augenblick | pod-dak in-nə | ||
let's go | Lad os gå | lasst uns gehen | ya-mu / yan | ||
look | Se | en-nə / än | |||
no | Nej | Nein | në | ||
nonsense | Sludder | pis-su/ke-hem-mal | |||
o.k. | ok ( ja ) | ok / in Ordnung | ha-ri/no-nday | ||
quickly | hurtigt | schnell | hay-yen/ik-mə-nətə | ||
really | virkelig | wirklich | në/hë-bë-tə |
1. in reality; in actuality; assuredly it's really quite harmless
2. truly; genuinely really beautiful
1. an exclamation of dismay, disapproval, doubt, surprise, etc.
not really? an exclamation of surprise or polite doubt
really not | virkelig ikke | ||||
not really | ikke rigtig/egentlig ikke | nicht wirklich |
Meaning; neither yes nor no at the same time; statement meaning in between, maybe or straddling the fence. Word used when trying to avoid a question.
slowly | langsomt | langsam | he-min | ||
that's enough | Det er nok | ē-ë-ti | |||
that's it | Det var det | e-kə ta-may | |||
that's right | Det er rigtigt | ë-kə ha-ri/ë-kə -tə | |||
that 'Il do | Det gør jeg | ē ë-ti | |||
take it easy | Tag det roligt | ō-va ga-nan gan-de-pā | |||
too bad | Ærgeligt | a-pə-rā-de | |||
very good | Meget godt | sehr gut | bo-ho-mə ho-nday | ||
very nice | Meget fint / meget flot | sehr schöne | ha-ri shök | ||
wait a minute | Vent et minut ( vent et øjeblik ) | warten Sie eine Minute/augenblick | pod-dak in-nə | ||
what a pity | Det var ærgeligt | a-pə-rā-de/a-nē pau | |||
what nonsense | Sikke noget sludder | was für ein Unsinn | mo-nə pis-su-də | ||
what's the matter | Hvad er der galt | ëy / mo-kō | |||
who knows | Hvem ved | wer weiß | kau-də dan-ne | ||
who's who | Hvem er hvem | kä-ge kau-də | |||
yes | ja | ou | |||
yes, of course | ja, selvfølgelig | nët-tan | |||
you bet | De kan du væde på/Det kan du lige bande på. (Helt sikkert) | Sie wetten | në / bo-ru | Informal
Of course; surely.
you don't say | Det siger du ikke | në / hë-bë-tə | |||
you are joking | Du joker / du laver grin. | Sie scherzen | o-yə ë-tə-mə-də / bo-ru nē-də | ||
Do you speak English? | Taler du engelsk? | Sprechen Sie Englisch? | ඔබ ඉංග්රිසි කථා කරනවාද (oba ingreesi kathaa karanavadha?) |
215 other languages |
Above you may see some idiomatic phrases used in everyday conversation. Please note their intonation (Source: small talk - OCR scanned from an old book so some may be a bit wrong... we will correct and translate and make it better asap.)
Sinhala or Sinhalese, an Indo-Aryan language spoken in Sri Lanka by about 12 million people. There are also considerable numbers of Sinhala speakers in Singapore, Thailand, Canada and the United Arab Emirates.
The sinhala Alphabet:
Other usefull links:
Further more there is body language (hand signals.)
Like if you don't want to buy from sales person on the beach and they stand from a distance - cross your arms in front of your chest/body (hand/fist closed pointing towards the uppersit shoulder) - after that lower your arms and wave slowly your hand from center with the back of you hand towards you self and the palm pushing it to the right (away 10-20 cm) like if you push it away from you self.
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