Currency in Sri Lanka is called Rupee.
The currency code for Rupees is LKR, and the currency symbol is ₨.
For latest exchange rate always check online or local exchange office.
March 2020
1 Euro (EUR) is approx 200 - 210 Sri Lankan Rupee
1 US Dollar (USD) is approx 180 - 200 Sri Lankan Rupee
1 Danish Krone (DDK) is approx 25 - 30 Sri Lankan Rupee
You can exchange at the airport or most larger cities.
At present time there is no bigger difference in EUR / USD / DDK.
Please note that most ATM charges exchange rate and some airport exchange offices charges 200-400 rps
The Sri Lankan Rupee (LKR / Rs) is a floating currency, which means the exchange rate is determined by market forces, so samples above should be checked.